kasahorow Foundation

March 2022 Quarterly Report

Kyeame, date(2022-5-31)-date(2024-4-8)

kasahorow defines a number of measures to track progress monthly across the languages we work on. For each language, these include:

  1. How often the dictionary is used: more than 4000 dictionary entries looked up at least 4 times.
  2. Growing the dictionary: more than 1000 words are imported and labeled with the correct word class.
  3. Reaching new users through Sua emails: more than 10 Sua emails are sent to at least 50 readers.
  4. Addressing feedback: at least 1 piece of user quality feedback is addressed.
  5. Song reviews: At least 10 song reviews on the kasahorow site have at least 50 readers.
  6. Anokwale news: At least 10 news pieces on the kasahorow site have more than 50 readers.

Performance of the kasahorow Measures by Region

Region   Active Languages (from previous quarter)  December 2021   March 2022       Change (%)
Africa 70 (+1) FNC 6,325.84 FNC 8,212.06 29.8%
Europe 19 (+7) FNC 680.10 FNC 1,087.17 59.9%
Asia 20 (+2) FNC 824.09 FNC 1,186.91 44%

How Our Language Managers Feel

We ran our newly restructured quarterly language manager survey for the second time to help us understand how secure our language managers feel. Feeling secure means we are able to keep and manage relationships and work through challenges by communicating without fear or anxiety, thus making kasahorow a functioning productive environment. We had a positive response from our language managers, with 94% of managers indicating that they felt secure and supported at kasahorow (an increase of 4% from our previous survey). With twice as many language managers completing the survey this time around, engagement appears to be improving. As always, we have taken individual feedback to heart and our Regional Managers will be looking at all feedback to ensure we are continually focused on improving and creating a safe, productive working environment.

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